There are a few things in life... That make me very happy. Riding ATV's is definitely one of them towards the very top.
Here are 240 other things I like:
Snickers candy bar, holding hands, two light beers, bonfires, red wine, bananas, affection, fresh mountain air, cuddling when it rains, certain memories, my cat, graham crackers, spiral notebooks, wood decks, surprise photos, NOT making the bed, print magazines not digital, math, the stock market, puppies.
Bicycles, mustache's, emotion jerking love songs, real life endings, yoga pants, yoga pants, yoga pants, (emphasized 3 times, but only counted once), simplicity, the engineering behind a toilet flush, air planes, pilots, lovers, parks, elderly people, kind people, awkward people, quiet people, challenged people, broken people, all people, reading glasses.
Childhood memories, hero's, emotion, risk takers, nerds, Nike shoes, random GoPro videos, shoe boxes, collecting junk, keeping junk, communication, almonds, being alone, large crowds, dive bars, intriguing people, random conversation, waving at red lights, going 5 over the speed limit, declining a call and texting back.
Trucker hats, love, Seattle, dreaming at night, laundry, chasing my cat, flip flops, bacon, original Nintendo, throwing a football, shooting hoops, encouraging others, traveling alone sometimes, flight take off, people watching, chocolate milk shakes, mechanical pencils, journals, printers, text messaging.
Light switches, equal rights, random cards, post cards, licking stamps, books, stock charts, picture frames, painting, spare change, receipts, file cabinets, fireworks, gravel roads, road trips, snow, snow balls, gloves, fortune cookies, fly fishing.
Margaritas, hand written letters and notes, hot sauce, finance books, bar tending, Christmas lights, good company, Starbucks coffee, nature, cabins, McCall Idaho, dry erase boards, backpacks, jeep wranglers, finding a reason to make a chart, calculators, springy door stops, silver rings, laughter, hunters orange.
eBay, blue skies, staring to get caught, introductions with fake names, small containers, driving, the sound of a beer or pop can opening, clarity, confusion, staplers, insulated flannel, conformity, regulated chaos, HD sports, passwords, memorization, good service, cold nights, warm days, the garbage disposal.
Trading stock, goofing off, kick ball, competition, winning, board games, the smell of a woman's hair, problem solving, flash cards, stickers, credit card reward points, Italy, strangers, turkey burgers, baby carrots, rubber bands, mental strength, custom wood projects, winning people over, challenges.
Adversity, aqua net hair spray, dollar stores, mom and pop shops, history, airports, deadlines, lock and keys, lizards, jeep wagoneers, light bulbs, clip boards, whistles, mountains, oscillating fans, soft kisses, water, working zippers, Velcro, play lists.
Fall leaves, stemless wine glasses, writing, uniqueness in everything, deer and elk, grass, movie nights with company, cooking together, spring time, beaches, tourism, camping, resolution, blue skies, cycling, influence, table rock, Boise greenbelt, honest politics, craft stores.
White water rafting, novelty eye glasses, strike anywhere matches, Scentsy candles, tough guys in minivans, prediction, statistics, cruise control, chips n salsa, Microsoft Office, certificates, RV's, pepperoni and mushroom pizza, jeans with holes, lamps, camping equipment, tall buildings, Manhattan, hot showers, and blankets.
Bungee cords, aspen trees, BBQ's, defrost, remote start, under dogs, the Las Vegas strip, Central Park, KTVB Channel 7 News, farmers, tractors, produce markets, determination, chopping wood, Christmas trees, online banking, Boise foothills, packing at the last minute, wireless mouse, and going to bed early.