Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gone With The Wind...

Couple things here, folks. lol :)

Nice ride tonight, other than the flat tire coming down Lucky Peak Dam Highway. I was like..... Damn.... get it? haha

Here was my Facebook Post, from the top of the dam. With these 2 lovely pics.


Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give A Lucky Peak Dam...  -At Lucky Peak Dam

Was a great evening for the ride. Minus the pit stop on the side of the road to fix my back tire. Moral to the story you ask? NOT THIS TIME!!!! ha! kidding. Course' there is... the moral is... 4 years ago... i bought a pump... and attached it to my bike frame. For 4 years... I haven't touched that pump. Tonight, on the side of the highway, as I sat pouting, fixing my tire, that there darn pump paid for itself 10 fold. Moral being... prepare for the worst, hope for the best when it comes to recreational sports. Matter fact, you can treat your life in general the same way. Never expect a cake walk... Never EXPECT plan "A" to execute perfectly... 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday Trading

This is insane. Almost the EXACT same profit today, tuesday, as yesterday! $20 dollar difference! Worked in my pajamas, drank coffee.. and was done working for the day by 8:30am.

$2,120 Profit today. Not bad for 56 minutes of work. 

I just found out on my blog, if you click on these pics, it enlarges them. Good to know! lol  

I couldn't have timed this trade better. It wend down, for the rest of the day. If you look at my Red Sell icon, I literally sold at the top of the day. That RARELY ever happens for me. Its like a 1 in a million shot. Was a beautiful trade today! 

I quit my job in February to take a chance at something I love. I don't know if this will last, or I will get a job later this year, but i'm loving the challenge. Its something i'm passionate about. Working from home is not fun, I miss the social interaction, but i'm rarely ever trading past 10am. So it might be a time in my life where I can go do something part time, that I literally love. 

Day Trading from home is awesome, because it allows me to be mobile. I could move anywhere in the world, and still do this, as long as I have a computer, and an internet connection. That is exciting, and leaves a lot to the imagination! 

I used to work 2 full months, at a full time job, to make what I just made, yesterday and today. Mind Boggling actually... 

Moral to the Story, you ask? OF COURSE there is!! Do what you love... and listen to your OWN heart... THAT is today's lesson!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Making New Friends

This little baby SKUNK decided he needed to step up onto my shoe, and smell me, before I was allowed to pass his trail! There actually ended up being 5 babies! never did see Mama though.

Moral to the story you ask?? Well of course there is...  Sometimes you have to take chances. You have put stereotypes aside, and you have to dive in, and see what happens... Happy Endings DO exist. The skunk didn't spray me.. and I learned Fear Is Nothing More, Than A Lack Of Knowledge. We fear what we do not know, and what we do not understand. Once educated, or experienced... fear often subsides.

Day Trading

THIS... Is WHY I LOVE Day Trading in the Stock Market. This was my day... Slow from 7:30 to 10:00 because I wanted to analyze this stock's daily movement for awhile... Had I Pulled the Trigger and bought it at the market open, I would have had a $4,000 dollar day. But... I'm not complaining about $2,100 in 40 minutes. Done working for the day by 11am. Off to do something FUN! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Is It Love? Or Is It Leave?

How Do We Know If We Love Someone?

There are lots of false flag feelings out there. Desires we want to live, but we pick the wrong people, just so we can attempt to build our castle.

A friend sent me this link today, regarding love and relationships. Was a great read. She came across it, enjoyed it, and decided to pass it to me, so I am doing the same. 

This is a direct quote from the article, it is the last paragraph: 

So, how do you know if it’s love? That is not the question to ask. The question is: Do you choose to love this person or not? Right now. Not tomorrow. Today. Make a choice. Yes or no. If the answer is yes, love as hard as you can. Love with everything you’ve got (your capacity right now at this point in your life). If the answer is no, promise me one thing.

Let the fall make you stronger.

Please click the link below and read this article.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Well... It Happened. My friends talked me into joining a Dating Website. My heart is whole. My mind is whole. My life is whole. Time to experience something new. I'm SOOOOO excited, to be able to share all of my future experiences with all of you.

Like this one... I sent her a message at 4:56 this evening, and then a second one at 5:09, 13 minutes later.

NO, I don't know her. NO I didn't run into Vicki at the supermarket today, and NO, there was not even a Ricky on the list this morning at Yoga. NO my mailbox was not smashed, and NO, I would not attempt to collect sales tax from you, if you destroyed my mailbox.

This is just my attempt at satisfying my friends... so that I can CLAIM, that I AM engaging people on the site. If they choose to ignore me, and BLOCK me... well, i'm sure i'm better off. 

It takes a special kind of WEIRDO, to mix with my WEIRDO. But when that WEIRDO notices me... it will be WEIRDO MAGNETICS creating a WEIRDO force so strong, that WEIRDO will be the new black. 

Oh, and for the record... my profile headline is "Nerdy Girls Only"

It helps, that my profile pic makes me look like a complete Creep. I was blessed with creepy looks. Helps keep the CHICKS away.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Susan G. Komen

I Don't Always Wear Pink.... But When I Do....

It's with Mikey...

And Our Favorite Fitness Model, Jamie Eason! :)

Here is a Video of our Day! Such a Fun Event!!!!!