Sunday, December 2, 2012

Its Possible...

I can’t promise this blog will change, nor improve your life.  I will tell you this.  If you pay attention, digest, walk away, and consider my words, there is a chance you may start to notice the value in them over time.  It is my goal, to change at least one mind, challenge at least one mind, open at least two eyes, restart someone’s idle mind, and produce value on a semi consistent basis. I say semi consistent, because there may be times I need to just rant, or vent… and I hope you’ll bear with me. 

I hope you’ll get to know me…I hope you will follow me, and fall asleep thinking about some of the things I say, and maybe even wake in the morning, and wonder how MY day will go, or how YOU will control YOUR day, knowing that you may not control every event, but you DO control every reaction to the events in your day. 

You can come to my page to see my life, but I can’t see you.  It would soothe my heart, and accomplish my goal to know at least one person found benefit, in something I said, or something I felt. I will always do my best to express my honest feelings in this blog, and give you total truth. You do not know me…but those of you that “Adam Everyday” WILL know me… and that’s very exciting to me…


  1. I have sincerely enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about you. You have inspired me to open my heart to new experiences and new thought processes. Although I haven't met you, I feel like I know you on some different level. It is hard for me to explain, but I value the beautiful, passionate thoughts you have so graciously shared with the world. Thank you.

  2. Wow. Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it. :) My mind provides me with enough content to write on this every day, but I neglect that wonderful gift. I am going to try to contribute more often. I love that I have an opportunity to let people "meet" me through my blog. Its inspiring to me also. I'm glad you have enjoyed the content and I am fortunate to have you as a reader! I promise to try to feed you more often. :) Cheers! xoxo
