Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 Challenge...

I challenge each and every one of you to take this new year, as a new start.  If you’re on the right path, continue, but welcome new growth.  If you aren’t happy, evaluate.  And if you’re ready, change. Life is so short, so unpredictable, and there is no script. Prepare for your future, but don’t forget that tomorrow is not a promise.  Live in the moment, love with all of your heart, and tell the people you love, that you love them. Spread happiness everywhere you go. Engage strangers, smile often, help others in need.

When you need help, ask for it, and when others need help, be there.  The world is bigger than you, so don’t let your head overgrow your opportunity to love and learn.  Don’t live like you’re entitled. There are people with far more than you, and far, far more people, with far less than you.  Each of you is equal. Truth and happiness come from the heart, and each of us can give equally of that.

Don’t look down on others, look at them level. Shake hands, smile with emotion, it’s not just an act, it’s a feeling.  If you’re embarrassed of certain friends, it’s most likely you that has the insecurity.  Let people be who they are.  If you want to judge, start in front of the mirror.  People fight battles far beyond what they admit to. Don’t add to anyone’s problems, but rather be there when you can, and even sometimes when you can’t.

Talk, the human voice is beautiful. But don’t forget to listen.  The wisest person in the room will never admit to it, because they are also humble.  Do something that will surprise yourself this year.  Feel alive, and never take that feeling for granted.  Be careful with love, but never fear it.  Treat others how you want to be treated, and be kind to everyone you encounter, even if you feel otherwise. 

Before you try to make someone else better, write down 5 goals that will make you better. Post them on your bedroom door. Even if you have roommates. Accountability is gift, and you should welcome it. You cannot truly desire change, and believe in it, without believing in accountability.  It you think things will just happen for you, you’re dreaming. Stop dreaming, and make them happen. You have the power. You have everything you need, when you have desire and determination.  It welcomes love, friendship, and growth. 

Be aware…there is more going on, that what’s in your head.  Don’t be the weakest link, in the chain of life.  Fight, every day, with determination, and a smile.  Fight to continue the good, fight to stop the bad.  Stand by your values, spread them when you can. Share your ideals, but push them on no one.  Seek open minds, and keep yours open all the time.  Passion…is the key to life. Passion in what you do, who you are, how you act, and what you say.  Passion for happiness will keep the fire burning for a lifetime.  Don’t look down on others that are trying.  You’re not perfect, nor does anyone want you to be.

Be frugal with your spending, generous with your giving, and let your heart beat as loud and as hard as it wants to.  If you like someone, tell them.  If someone hurts you, forgive them, and NEVER say your life sucks.  If you’re reading this, you ALREADY have more, than the majority of the people on this planet. Pray for those people… accept the differences in others. If we were all the same, it would get boring.

Stand when you want to sit. Run when you want to walk. Fly when you dream, and hold hands every chance you get.  Never neglect the power of one kiss.  And don’t fast forward relationships.  The true beauty, is not in the future, but in that you choose each other all over again, at the beginning of each new day.  Play with children, encourage their dreams, and promise them they will reach them. Volunteer what you can. Your finances, heart, mind, hands, and voice all have equal ability to change this world. 

Stop saying one person can’t make a difference, and start talking. People will hear you.  Your voice is beautiful and unique from anyone else on this earth.  Stop asking why some people are different than us, and start embracing similarities. Similarities like dreams, desire for happiness, and the human need for friendship.

This is my challenge to me, and this is my challenge to you. This is my dream for 2013.  I want to be held accountable, and I want to feel more alive this year, than ever before. I recognize I am in charge of my happiness, and I want you to recognize that too.

When we join hands, we are more powerful, as people, than any weapon on earth.  I’m living my life with my hands, my heart, and my mind open…I pray that each and every one of you is too.  God Bless each and every one of you, and I hope 2013 is the year you realize how in control, you really are.  I’m reaffirming my promise to reignite my life today…and I hope you will too.
*I wrote this today, in the hopes that everyone that reads it, will sign a mental contract with themselves, to achieve this to the best of their ability. 
Cheers, Adam