Monday, January 7, 2013

It Starts With...YOU.

A close friend recently went through a tough divorce a couple months back, and I remember sitting with him, late one night, just listening to his world unfold, his life unravel, and his mind collapse.  His tears, and his tone, revealed a fear, that I had not seen in him ever before.
I distinctively remember this part:
He said, "Adam, without her, I have NOTHING" and I said, "No, without her, you'll rediscover EVERYTHING."
What I didn’t realize, is that he’d be sitting, with relentless support, listening to my world unravel , giving me my own words back, less than two weeks later.  This led me to realize, God gives us incredible strength, in the people around us, if we just open our eyes…
A special person once told me, “Some of God’s greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers.” 
And when I truly examined the meaning of this, I realized I had to trust God’s plan for my life, and stop trying to hand God the plans to my life.  Some of the things we pray for, are nothing more than desires along our path.  I have come to accept love falls apart, far more often than it sticks together.  I once thought it was our duty, to fix it, to hold on to it, and to prevent its collapse, but that’s not my job anymore.  That’s God at work, trying to get us back on OUR own individual path…
One thing I’ve learned in life, is an open mind, doesn’t always mean open arms or an open heart.  Life itself, is a success story. Leave an impression on a heart, not an employer...when you get to the end of your life, love will be the greatest success of all! :)
Some people date for the thrill, some for the adventure, and others of us with an objective in mind.  Find the person, that compliments you, not completes you.  Be gentle with the hearts you engage. When you are single, and truly feel complete, it is then, that you will attract love into your life.  Don’t force it, don’t push it, when it’s meant to be, it will be.  If you don’t believe this, you are not living complete yet, get back on track!
Breakups are not always meant for makeups. Breakups can be life changing, for the better, if you let them.  Take the opportunity, to rediscover yourself.  Engross yourself in your passions.  Look back over your years, remember the things that made you happy, and find NEW hobbies.  Try new things.  Exit your comfort zone, because that, is where TRUE growth comes from.  Do not lead a stagnant life.  You will grow weary, and you will spread clouds to the people around you.  Be a pillar of strength.  And give, everyday, that which you would like to receive.  Nothing stays the same.  Your environment will constantly change.  Your best chance at happiness and success, will be your WILLINGNESS and ABILITY to adapt to environments that you cannot predict nor control.
Love doesn't sustain from assumptions, it sustains from repeated and consistent actions. Talk is cheap, if you can't prove it, and you haven't earned it, then you don't deserve it.  When you move forward, leave animosity behind.  Do not seek revenge, or payback, but rather appreciate the lesson.  A bad fit, doesn’t mean it was shared between bad people. If only one true love wins, that means many more along the way must fail before the final success.  Consider this practice, for the final dance. Believe in “that one.” Believe that God will provide, and remember, it will happen on His timeline, not yours.

I will never be good enough to many, but to one... I will be everything. That's worth waiting for...and you, my friends, MUST believe the same.
Cheers, and God Bless.


  1. Everything you say here us true. mine is a story of success that I share not to brag, but to give others encouragement that haven't come across their ONE yet. I told my husband yesterday how happy I was to have shed all those tears, to have received all those rejections, because they meant I got to be with him. I am so thankful that all those men along the way crushed my ego. at the time I cried because I wasn't good enough, but that wasn't it. they just weren't my true love. its so freeing to finally realize that and not blame it on maybe I'm not pretty enough, maybe I didn't try hard enough, what if?

  2. I love this. Thank you for sharing this true success story. Funny isn't it, how dating can be such a drag. so much heartbreak, mixed with pain, confusion, and questions of why and how. Then one day BAM. Someone amazing comes along. Not just someone, but THE ONE. The one you were supposed to meet all along. Love excites me, and I can't wait for my BAM moment. Again, thanks for sharing. Made me smile.

  3. <3 every word.
    <3 your friend and fellow cancerian.

  4. "Without her you'll rediscover everything." I love that one.

  5. I love that one too. Funny, how when I said that to him, I didn't realize how important those very words would be in my OWN life. Love comes full circle. The experience of love is not JUST the feeling of attaining it, but also the experience of LOSING it.
